Our reviews are collected in person from real verified owners of the product reviewed. We proudly sell or have sold all products reviewed on LittleBirdyReviews.com in our retail stores. This gives us access to in person verified content. Because a lot review sites these days seem to weigh heavily towards negative experiences whether verified or unverified, our sole purpose is to collect only positive experiences that are 100% accurate. This allows you to take this content and compare to other sites so that you can make a well rounded decision for yourself. We consider a positive review to rate between a B and an A+. Anything below that is considered negative content and is not eligible to be reviewed on LittleBirdyReviews.com. We do not accept any payment from any manufacturer or anyone else as a way of influencing our content. We do not offer incentives for participating in our reviewing. We also allow general discussion of products, manufacturers, and retail stores  in our categories area of the site. Online readers, Consumers, Affiliates, manufacturers, and Little Birdy admin personnel etc… are welcome to participate in the commenting, reviewing, and discussion portion of LittleBirdyReviews.com. Essentially everyone is welcome to participate. Reviews and comments are edited regularly for SEO purposes. We allow reviews and discussion on brands and companies we are affiliated with and not affiliated with. Our reviews and comments are collected in person via expo events, social gatherings, and in store testimonials. However, online contributions are welcome and will be reviewed and possibly edited  for SEO purposes. If an online submission fails to meet LBR criteria  it will not be approved.